Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Small Business Saturday!

Today is the day! As a THANK YOU for buying from a small business (and hand made!), I am having a store-wide 10% off sale on any one item! Go to my Facebook page to see my store and automatically get the discount! It's for one day only - Saturday, November 30th, only, so hurry on over!

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Vintage Sheets Quilts!

I'm so in love with Vintage Sheets Quilts! I fell in love with them about 7 years ago when I saw them popping up all over the internet on people's blogs! This was when we were living in Denver. I went out and started buying vintage sheets at every thrift store I could find! Now I have bins and bins of them! I pulled them out again yesterday and started making another one! This one will be for sale in my shop. Here it is on my design wall.
Here are some I have made in the past. Aren't they yummy? They are soooo soft and make such wonderful, nostalgic gifts! I can make a special one for you too! Message me for more info!  

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Mitered Corners

I love mitered corners! It really makes the binding look crisp and professionally finished. Here's me executing an almost perfect mitered corner on the Hugs and Kisses quilt I blogged about yesterday. I learned to do this from Bonnie Hunter, from  Okay, I don't do it exactly the way she does it, because I figured out some things that were easier for ME, (which I recommend, as a matter of practice in life in general! ha!), but her directions are really clear. This is a double fold binding.
You really have to hold that corner down so it doesn't slip! Here I am, turning the corner. 
And taadaa! A nice clean and crisp mitered corner!

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Hugs and Kisses!

I know, I know! Soooo much pink! But I over-cut for the Cotton Candy Doughnut quilt and needed to do something with the orphaned blocks! So I made a hugs and kisses series of blocks! This is my first x's and o's quilt and I love it! This pic is when it was still on my design wall. Now it's on the Monster!

This one is sashed 2" finished in Kona white and has a 3" border. It's going to be about 10" bigger than Cotton Candy Doughnuts.

I just love these cherries - they are whimsical and polka-dotty! 

Thursday, November 14, 2019

More Quilted Ornaments!

Okay, they aren't really "quilted", but it sure looks like it! This one is more "Chritsmasy", what with the shimmery reds and golds!
 You can order these in your own color choices. Think Broncos! Or maybe purple and white! Or black tie! They are $20 each and come with a perfectly sized gift box! PM for more information!

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Quilted Ornaments!

I just love these things! It looks like an elf made a little quilt on a ball!

I learned to make these quite a number of years ago, but now that I have all my fabric and supplies set up, I have rediscovered the cuteness! They aren't hard to make, just time consuming! 

And I've made them in all kinds of colors! Easter, Valentine's, and Patriotic too! Which themes would YOU like to see them in?

Monday, November 11, 2019

Birch Tree with Branches top!

I finished this over a week ago but I've been so busy I haven't had a chance to post it yet! I love this pattern so much! The original pattern in from Crazy Mom Quilts, but I added an extra touch by adding all the branches! I love it! I didn't do every block that way - I think it would end up looking too busy.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Sometimes things don't go the way you plan! I've had this layer cake (French General) from Moda for over 2 years, just waiting for the perfect pattern to use it, something that would show off all the pretty prints. I thought I had finally come upon it - a brick quilt pattern. But when I cut them and lay them out on my design wall, I hated it! Well, "hate" is a strong word, but this is just ugly! Lol!

I was going to use Kona white in between each two bricks, for that layered brick wall effect, but I didn't like that either! So frustrating! What is it about this fabric line that has me all flustered?? Maybe I've attached too much importance to it!

Anyway, I am going with this. It's a four-patch construction and will end up being a twin size quilt! I don't want to cut this layer cake down any further, otherwise I'll loose the effect of the old-timey French prints! It's not what I really wanted (whatever that was!) but hey! A bad day quilting is better than a good day at the office! Hahahaha!

Monday, November 4, 2019

Stacked Squares top finish!

Woohoo! I'm on a roll! I've had this pattern in my favorites for a few years now. It's called "Stacked Squares" by Kitchen Table Quilting.

I finished this quilt top today, and started cutting for the backing! I'm going to use the leftover blocks to make a fun pieced back! Should have it loaded on the Monster tomorrow!

Promotional Giveaway!

I have gotten so much support from friends, family, and community members in my goals to make quilting my business, that I have decided to have a giveaway! And just in time for the holidays!

You have a chance to win this little monster and her quilt! I have sold a handful of these in the past and their little charges have all raved about them! The monster is crocheted in Caron Super Soft and two buttons have been sewn on with yarn (maybe not suitable for children under 2??). The quilt was hand made by me as well, and is a patchwork quilt in miniature! If you prefer less pink and a more traditionally "male" monster, just ask me to swap it out! :) You pay $3.00 shipping if you don't live in Summit County.

Leave a comment at the end of this post to be entered in the drawing! You can leave a comment on my Facebook page too at Just Susie Quilt@justsusiequilts. Drawing ends November 25th, 2019!

 She's even got a little tail!

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Cotton Candy Doughnut Quilt on the Monster!

I am so happy to have this on the Monster! (I've been quilting my butt off, haven't I??) Haha! I'm doing an all-over medium stipple because I really love the texture and what happens when it is washed: All that wrinkly goodness!

And look what else is on the Monster! A matching hand made card! Isn't it cute?? I will be gifting it with the purchase of the quilt in my Facebook shop. Stay tuned for that! Should have it off the rack and binding done today.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Which Is Next??

I found these pictures on Pinterest. I posted on Facebook that I was going to make all three of them at some point; I queried everyone as to which they liked best.

 Well, before anyone even responded, I decided to go with this one! (No one even picked #2! Haha!) It isn't exactly the same pattern (because you know, I go my own way! ha!), but the doughnuts are awfully sweet, don't you think? I am calling it "Cotton Candy Doughnuts"!