Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Sometimes things don't go the way you plan! I've had this layer cake (French General) from Moda for over 2 years, just waiting for the perfect pattern to use it, something that would show off all the pretty prints. I thought I had finally come upon it - a brick quilt pattern. But when I cut them and lay them out on my design wall, I hated it! Well, "hate" is a strong word, but this is just ugly! Lol!

I was going to use Kona white in between each two bricks, for that layered brick wall effect, but I didn't like that either! So frustrating! What is it about this fabric line that has me all flustered?? Maybe I've attached too much importance to it!

Anyway, I am going with this. It's a four-patch construction and will end up being a twin size quilt! I don't want to cut this layer cake down any further, otherwise I'll loose the effect of the old-timey French prints! It's not what I really wanted (whatever that was!) but hey! A bad day quilting is better than a good day at the office! Hahahaha!

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