Tuesday, September 24, 2019

A Blast from the Past!

I found this old picture from when we lived in Denver. I was on a quilting frenzy, making many quilts a month! At 9 years old, E's favorite color was blue (and still is!)… not pink, purple, or violet. Blue!

This is a "whirly-gig" pattern I got from Crazy Mom Quilts (love her!), and was quilted on my Juki, long before I ever got my midarm machine. Lawd Almighty, those were different quilting times! Having my midarm opened up a whole new world for me, and allowed me to crank out the quilts even faster (I gave most of them away to charity).

 I love this simple pattern, both in the pattern itself, and the use of a variety of blues and white for the background. 

This was back when I was still putting borders on my quilts. I have since liberated myself from HAVING to do anything to a quilt design - the "quilt police" don't live here! Lol!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! This quilt is so vibrant and beautiful! Reminds me of the ones my mom used to make!